May Mohamed Awad Bahr
"rsolation and char acterization of so-rne potential probiotic
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C. difrcile, probiotic, entero coccuo
This study is aimed at the isolation, identification, and charucterization of potential probiotic strains capable of inhibiting C. difrcile infection in vitro andin vivo. Twenty isolates were isolated from breast fed infant fecal samples and screened against C. difficile using their cell-free supematant. Only three isolates showed maximum inhibition from 56.05% to 60.60% thus they were characte5lzed for probiotic properties and safety. The results revealed their tolerance to the GIT conditions and safety profile. They were identified by sequencing 165 rRNA as E. faecalis NM815, E. faecalis NM915 and E" faecium NM1015. Their sequences were submitted to GenBank as KU365166, KU365167 and KU365 I 68 respectively.
Ain Shams