sahar mohamed mohamed helalia
Improvement of Sperm Mediated GeneTransfer Conditions in Buffalo
Buffalo, Transgenic, SMGT, EGFP, DMSO
The present study was carried out to find the best treatments for j enharicing the ration of insertion of the desired gene onto the sperm j of buffalo as the first step for the production of transgenic buffalo i using sperm mediated gene transfer (SMGT)' t + The tested conditions were: plasmid DNA concentration, sperm t concentration, transfecting agent concentration, temperature and tI Y time of transfection. tI The study proved that the best conditions for producing transgenic i + embryos wereIncubation sperm solution its concentration is 107/ml sperm with 3% t DMSO with 20 pg/ml DNA for 15 minutes at 4 oC is the best t condition to produce transgenic buffalo embryo using sperm t mediated gene transfer. Farther study is needed to follow up the t integration of gene into buffalo genome through evaluation of new t + born transgenic calves