Wael Mahmoud Kamel Aboulthana
Evaluation of Saticin Isolated from Sal#' subserrata against the Effect of Gamma-Irradiation on Fertility Genes and Related EnzYmes in Rats
Gamma raYS, / Willow leaves' / Rats' EnzYme electroPhoresis /' Esterase' Protein Pattern /' InfertilitY/ 'LipoProtein,/ fingerPrint'
The salicin dose required for the therapeutic investigation (1/20 of LDso dose) wasaboutl50mg/Kg.Irradiationcausedstatisticallysignificantreductioninthe testes weight.lrradiation caused statistically significant reduction in the testes weight. Salicin treatment prevented the decrease in testis weights in all irradiated salicin treated gloups except the irradiated salicin pre-treated group' Irradiationcausedsignificantdecreaseinallthehematologicalmeasurements (HB, wBcs, F1ctoh,RBcs and Plt parameters) in both of male and female rats' In male rats, salicin minimized the irradiation effect on all hematological measurements except wBcs in irradiated saricin pre-treated group- In irradiated salicin prepost-treated BrouP, saticin could not prevent the irradiation effect on the wBcs, RBCs and prt count but it minimized the irradiation effect on the other hematological measurements. In the irradiated salicin post-treated gouP' thetreatmentwithsalicinimprovedallthehematologicalmeasurements.Itcouldnot overcome irradiation effect on lymphocytes which significantly decreased in the . irradiated salicin pre-treated and post-treated groups' In female rats' salicin showed the most suitable antagonistic effect on the hematological measurements in the irradiatedsalicinpost-treatedgroup.Itshowedantagonesticeffectonlymphocytes in the irradiated salicin pre-treated and post-ffeated groups more than the other irradiated salicin treated groups'Irradiationcause$.sieni|cantdecreaseintheALTandASTlevelsinmale rats. salicin minimized the irradiation effect by increasing ALT level significantly in all irradiated salicin treated groups- Regarding the AST level' salicin had no antagonisticeffectinallirradiatedsalicintreatedgroupexceptinirradiatedsalicinpost-treated group. While in female rats, it caused non-significant vartiations in the ALT level and significant elevation in AST level' Salicin showed ameliorative effect against irradiation effect on the AST level in all irradiated salicin treated groups except irradiated salicin pre-treated group' Irradiation caused significant decrease in kidney functions in male rats' Saricin showed obvious antagonistic effect against irradiation in all treated groups except irradiated salicin post-treated group. while in female rats, irradiation caused significant elevation in urea level and salicin adminisffation showed ameliorative effect against irradiation all irradiated salicin treated groups except irradiated salicin Pre-treated grouP'IrradiationcausedsignificantreduCtioninthecholest.andT'Gslevelsinmale and female rats. In male rats, salicin could not prevent the irradiation effect on the cholest. level in all irradiated salicin treated groups but it removed the irradiation effect on the T.Gs significantly in the irradiated salicin prepost-treated group' In female rats, salicin prevented the irradiation effect on the cholest. level in all the irradiated salicin treated groups and it caused unexpected elevation in T'Gs level in the irradiated salicin simultaneous treated group'