HaIa Ahmed Tawfik
Factors Affecting prevalence of Different Types of Permanent Anterior Teeth Fracture in a Group of Egyptian children
Overjet, overbitg incisor di.pIay, inteflhbial gap
Objectives: Assessment of the factors affecting prevalence of differe,nt tSpes of permanent anterior teeth fracture in a group of Egyptian children. Melhods: Two hundred and ninety-six patient having five hundred and eighteen traumatized upper permanent anterior teeth were examined at the oupatient clinic of Pediatric Dentistry aad Dental Public Health Deparhnen! Faculty of Oral and Dental medicine, Cairo University. Clinical and radiographic examination were done for all cases. Type of injury, amount ofincisor display and interlabial gap were recorded for every child. Overjet and overbite were measured on study casts using digtal Boley gauge.Results: No statistically significant association was found between age at time of ftaum4 gender, etiology of fracture and the type ofanterior teeth fracture. No statistically significant association was found between ove{et value, overbite valug amount of incisor displuy" intedabial gap ard type of anterior teeth fracture. Correlation was found between the tooth affected and type of fracture.Conclusion: Most of traumatic deirtal injuries are unintentionat injuries, where falls, collisions with hard objects, and road traffic accidents re the most dominating causes. The type and severity of tooth fracture are not directly affected by eertain factor, and the only factor that might contribute to the severity of tooth *acture is the intensity of the impact force directed to the tooth and the tooth position in the oral cavity.
Dental Medicine