Rabab Mahmoud Abd El Hakam
A Study on the Eruption Sequence of Primary and Permanent Teeth in a Group of Children in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
Eruption, sequence' developmental age
ffi.L" ui* of the study was to determine the eruption dates and sequence of primary *d ;;;anent t""trr-una to ,o.r.lutt b"twe"tt chronological & developmental ug.'oi"*ption of primary & permanent teeth in a group of childrenilIn1.:i?ffi'S,ffUffii3t:onsisted or r57z healthv Egvptiln thi,ldren or both Sexes from Kafr El Sheikh gou"*oi;,",^r.ogr ctrildren *;; selected from school children and 541 children *Jr. ,"t""t.a from rrrut"*ui*a child welfare provided H::S? il:t'ilHH#;:;i"'":h **P:1":" central incisor and its mearr age of eruption was S.+ months ;^ily' and 4'4. *o"tttt in girls' While the first permanent tooth io e*p, *u, th"-i;;t first molar and its mean age of eruption was 5.52 years * boy' *a-S'-l: years in girls' conclusion: sequence and aut.r'liffion.of primary u"a- p*Tanent teeth are different in Egyptian children ,frun tt ut of other tffitt ,&i:':gical age and deveropmenral J*##;;;-t, *inria*, with each others as it is evident in some ch,dren ;t#;"*J,#i*p"'n* i"Ji"ia"J fucto.s play a role in teeth eruption u, rr...iiiirv;;;;, and nurrition status of children'
Dental Medicine