Buffalo, prepartum milking, milking frequency, unilateral milking, lactogenic hormones, blood metabolites.
The effect of different periparturient milking schemes on colostrum and milk yield and composition of buffalo was studied. Morover, some lactogenic hormones were mesured. Some blood plasma metabolites were quantified. Ninteen healthy multiparous late pregnant buffalo cows were divided into 4 groups: 1) the control group (n=5) was machine milked twice a day (2×) for the first 100 DIM. 2) Prepartum milking group (PM, n=5), animals were hand milked twice a week starting 30 days before the expected calving date until the day of parturition, afterword, they were machine milked 2× from parturition until 100 days postpartum. 3) Prepartum milking+Frequent milking group (PM+FM, n=5), animals were subjected to the same milking regime as in PM group except the period from 7 to 21 days postpartum, the daily milking frequency were increased from 2× to 3× then returned to 2× untill the end of the experiment. 4) Unilateral milking frequency group (UMF, n=4), the left udder side of each animal was subjcted to the same pre- and post-partum milking schemes as in PM+FM group, while the right udder sides were treated as the control group. Precolostrum secretion can be described as hony-like pale yellow secretion which dries fast when exposed to air. The amount of precolostrum ranged from no secretion to 770 g/milking. Precolostrum secretion is high in protein and ash, while, low in fat and lactose compared to colostrum. Prepartum milking caused an increase in colostrum yield by 23% compared to control. Colostrum fat% was lower by 14% in prepartum milked animals than control while colostrum protein and lactose% showed no differences due to prepartum milking scheme. Milk yield, 4% fat corrected milk (FCM) and energy corrected milk (ECM) were increased (P<0.05) by 10, 20 and 27%, respectively, for PMgroup compared to the control. The PM group showed also a significant increase in milk protein%, fat, protein and lactose yields compared to the control. Meanwhile, milk yield was higher (P<0.05) for PM+FM compared to both PM and the control group by 17 and 30%, respectively. Yield of FCM and ECM were also higher for PM+FM compared to control by 25 and 36%, respectively. Milk protein% was inceased (P<0.05) in both PM and PM+FM compared to the control. Milk fat, protein and lactose yield showed higher values for the PM+FM group over the PM and the control groups. Milk electrical resistance was higher in the PM+FM compared to the PM and the control. Unilateral frequent milking did not show any differences in milk yield or milk composition between the treated udder sides. The different plasma hormones and surveyed in this study did not show any differece due to different milking schemes. The effect of time from parturition was significant on some of them (i.e. preogesterone, estradiol, prolactinglucose, albumin, cholesterol, triglycerides, calcium and phosphorus).