Abdel hameed mousso Ermoghowry
Efficocy of different eco-friendry bio- rotionor insecticides roi sustoinobre monogement of Tuto ooi otrt, (Meyrick) & Bemrsio toboci (Genno,Cius) on greenhouse tomotoes
microbiol ond boionicol insecticides, fufo obso/ufo, Bemisio taboci, infestolion suito bility, efficocy, productivity ossessment.
The globol invosion of Tuto obso/uto (Meyrick) ond Bemisio foboci (Gennodius) os insect pests infesting tomoto wos the mqin reoson for this study. The experiment involved Shifo ond Sovero Fl hybrid tomoto vorieties cultivoted under greenhouse in Nuborio Governorote, Egypt ond rqn from mid-August 2014 to mid-Moy 20.l5. lnfestotion suitobility ossessment of B. toboci ond f. obsoluio between tomoto vorieties wos corried out os o preliminory meosure. The experiment tested ihe efficocy of different concentrotions (LCl00, LC50 ond LC25) of comrnerciol ecofriendly'bio- rotionol insecticides, including Nimbecidine EC, Trocer, Dipel@2x, Bio-Mogic ond Bio-Power, for the control of B. toboci ond T. obsolufo bosed on the number of odulis ond of lorvoe, respectively. Productivity ossessment wos corried out for eoch bio-insecticide ot different concentrotions. Spinosod showed very promising efficocy on r. obsolufo ond 8. toboci, with 85.52-97.04% ond 83.97-94.61% infestotion reduction, respectively. Dipel@2x ond Nimbecidine EC showed greot efficocy, followed by Bio-mogic ond Bio-power.