Aya Rashad Ahmed Abdou
Biopharmaceutical Studies on Gastroretentive OraI Dosage Forms for Eradication of Helicobacter pylori
Helicobacter pylori / Gastroretentive OraI Dosage Forms
Helicobactet pylori (H' pylorlis currently recognized as one of themostcomr.non.*,,,o""terialirrfectionsworldwide.H'pyloriis the main cause of chronic gastritis' peptic ulcer disease' and gastric malignancies not associated with the use of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs' It is found in half the population of the world' Its prevalence is highly variable in relation to geography' ethnicity' age' and socioeconomic factors' being high in developing countries and lower in the developed world. The ecological niche of H' pylori is the human stomach' where it establishes long tenn colonization of the gastric lrucosa' Transmission can occur by contaminated water and indirect person to person contact' The high prevaience of the infectionlneansthatpublichealthinterventionsmayberequired.The short term approach' however' provided that resources aliow for this would be a test and ffeat strategy for those who are at risk for peptic ulcer disease or gastric cancer' as well as for those with ffoublesome dyspepsia' Consequently ' H' pylorieradication is recognized to be the correct approach along with conventional therapies in the treatmentofthese diseases' For effectiv e H' pylon eradication' therapeutic agents have to penetrate the gastric mucus layer to disrupt and inhibit the mechanism of colonization' This requires targeted drug delivery witlrinthestomachwalltoensuleeffectivelocalaction.Altlrouglr most antibiotics fffi"" v'eff 'tow in vitto minimum inhibitory concentrations (MiC) against H' pylori(Mlcg0 < 1 mg/L)' no single antibiotichasbeenabletoeradicatethisorganismeffectively.