Doaa Abd El-Hady Abd El-Samed Deabes
Phytochemical and Biological Studies of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa. (Rut Growing in Egypt.
Aeglemarmelas(L')Correa'Rutaceae'essentialoil' saponifiable maltgrpqg,sappnifiable matter,mucilage' alkaloids' antiviral' antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, antihyperglycemic and cytotoxic
This thesis aimed to the discovery of therapeutic agents derived from Aegle marmelos(L)Correa Family Rutaceae by carrying out an applied pharmacognostical study incl,,ding extraction, isolation and identification of thebiologicallyactiveconstituents.Wearelookingtoreachsafeandeffective therapeutic agents from botanical origin which can be useful in drug industry' Thisworkincludedphytochemicalscreening,proximateanalysis,and investigation of the esslntial oil fresh Aegle marmelos(L.)correa leaves and the results of the GC/MS analysis of the Lil r"ealed GCMS analysis of oil revealed the presence of 30 components from which 27 compounds were identified represent (97.76vo) of the total oil compositions' pfesence of aphellandreneQo. g|%)asthemajorcompound.Gc/Msanalysisoffattyacid methyl esters revealed that the total relative percentage of identified saturated fatty acids was high in both leaves and fruits contributed with(86'467o) arld (63.o7vo),respectively,studyofthemucilagecontentsof.Aeglemarmelos(L.) Correa fruits and the yield of the mucilage was 15 %o (wlw)GLC analysis which revealed the identification of seven'ogu" whereglucose represented the major. Isolation and identification of the main constituents of the petroleum ether extract of. Aegle marmelos(L.)correa.leaves and fruits and identification of 3 compounds (aegline, aegelbine-B, p-hydroxy benzoic acid)by different spectral techniques as ursolic acid. Isolation and identification of compound 4 (aegelbine-B) from crud alkaloid extract using different spectral techniques' QualitativeestimationofthemethanolextractofAegle marmelos(L.)cor,euleavesandfruitsbyLC/MSandidentificationofsix alkaloids, aeglemarmelosine, marmesiline, aegelinoside, shahidine' N-2-methoxy- 2-(4-methoxyphenyl)ethylcinnamide)and anhydr- omarmeline and two flavonoids rutin and kaempferol-3 -O -rutinoside in leaves and identification oftwoalkaloidalcompoundsmarmesilineandshahidineinfruits. Evaluation of certain biological activities e.g., the antimicrobial, the antifungal, antiviral, cytotoxic, hepaioprotective and hypoglycemic activities