Mona Aboelfetoh MohamedAbd-Allah
Chemical and Biological Studies on Moringa oleifera
Lam. Family Moringaceae Cultivated in Egypt
Moringa oleifera, Chemical, Biological, HPLC, LC-hass, Hepatoprotective , anti cancer
Throughout human history herbs have been used as sources of food, medicine, beauty enhancers, and fragrances. There have been several attempts during the early decades ofthe twentieth century to study the active principles of several medicinal plants in use. Such studies had focused attention mostly on their detection, isolation and characterization. Some studies were also carried out concurrently to determine their pharmacological properties. There were, however, few concerted efforts to coordinate the chemical and biological studies on these phytochemicals to identify their disease-preventing potential, if any (Beagley, 1994 and Rao, 2003).