Shahinaz Nabil Hassan Mohamed
Effect of an Experimental Hydroxyapatite Based Remineralizing Agent on the Chemistry and Surface Topography of Bleached Enamel (In Vitro Study)
Bleaching, remineralizing. hydroxyapalite
In the current study photo-activated and chemically-activated inoffice bleaching systems were used according to the manufacturer’s instructions with concentrations 32% and 40% (32% mixed) hydrogen peroxide respectively. An experimentally prepared 10% concentration of nano-hydroxyapatite (NHAP) and amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) remineralizing agents were applied to the bleached enamel surfaces following bleaching procedures. Enamel specimens were stored in cola, artificial saliva and distilled water for 24 hours following bleaching and remineralizing agent treatments.A total of 65 bovine teeth were used throughout the whole study. Specimens were divided into two main groups; control group (5 specimens) where the specimens were not subjected to any treatment (Baseline) and an experimental group (60 specimens). The experimental group was then divided into two subgroups consisting of 30 specimens each; representing the two different bleaching agents used in the study [White Smile photoactivated bleaching agent and White Smile chemically-activated bleaching agent]. Each subgroup was further divided into two divisions (15 specimens each) representing two different remineralizing agents applied in the study [Amorphous Calcium Phosphate and an experimentally prepared Nano- Hydroxyapatite remineralizing agents]. Then each division was further divided into three subdivisions (5 specimens each) according to the three different storage media [Cola, artificial saliva and distilled water] used in the study. Image analysis software was used to assess changes in the surface roughness in control and experimental groups. An environmental energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX) was used in conjunction with scanning electron microscope (SEM) to evaluate changes in Calcium and Phosphorus ions as well as morphological changes on the enamel surface. Assessments were performed following bleaching procedures, remineralizing agent’sapplications and storage in the three different storage media (cola, artificial saliva and distilled water).
Ain Shams
Dental Medicine