Carine Wagdi Maurice Hanna
ImpnovING THE Qunuw oF MAIERNALHrnrrnCnnr SrnucES tN pnlmnny HrnrrH care units lru Er-Fnyoum ANo BEnrSufe GovrnruonarEs
MAIERNAL mortalily, health care, Quality of service
Background: Quality of antenatal care is an important determinant of pr"gnancy outcome. Provider's performance is considered a key factor in the qualrty of health care and in client satisfaction. Client's satisfaction with quality of care is the degree to which the clients' desired expectations, goals and or preferences ere met by the health care provider and or service 3!@i To implement a health education program for nurses and courseling for physicians to improve the quatlty of maternal health care services in l0 health care centers and to measure clients' satisfaction for the quality of maternal care that is provided after intervention. @lS!30 ntrses and 10 physicians will be selected from the ten health units that are receiving theproject intervention and will be exposed to both refresher corxses and counselling followed by an observational checklist targeting nurses to assess their performance in providing the matemal health care services.280 women were selected (140 women for the 10 health care rmits in both govemorates receiving the care while another 140 women not receiving the care) and exposed to a designed questionnaire to measure their satisfaction about the quahty of the provided matemal health care services. Results: The overall performance of nurses during antenatal care and postnatal care improvedfrom 32% and 35.8% respectively before the health education intervention pro$im to 65Yo and 60% respectively after the irtervention. Results also itrowed that 96% of the studied clients attending centers receiving the intervention program reported overall satisfaction compared to 22.1% n centers not receiving the intervention .Moreover, 88.7% ofthe clients would use the antenatal care seryices in the centers receiving the health education intervention in the next pregnancy compared to 42.9% in centers not receiving the intervention. Results also revealed that the majority of clients who attended the health care centens receiving the intervention would recommend the center to others (95.LW compared to only 42.9Yo ofsubjects attending the centers without intervention. Conclusion: The refresher courses provided*to the nurses proved to have a significant improvement on the nurses' performance in providing antenatal care and postnatal cere. However there is a scope for further improvement. Despite that some aspects of the provided matemal health care were inadequate after the intervention progmm, almost all women attending health care units receiving the intervention were satisfied with the services offered, would recommend the center to others and would use the antenatal care services in the next pregnancy .
Ain Shams