Zingiberfficinale'Tissueculture'invttropropagation'Plant 'neration, Gamma irradiation' RAPD-PCR' HPLC and 6- gingerol'
This study aimed at obtain genetic variatio.s in ginger through applications of different rechniques of biotechnology and biochemistry, i.e., tissue culture, inducing mutations .. "i[a-ray and evaluation of these products using mordcular markers and finalry quantitatiyg-* assessment of 6-gingerol using HpLCin ginger plant. The obtained results revealed that, an efficie't in vitropropagation method was developed using fresh rhizomes sprouting buds. calrus was induced from buds of ginger on MS medium supplemented with 0.5mg/l 2-4'D + 0.5mg/l BAp. callus cukured on MS medium supplemented with lmg/l IBA+ 1mg/l TIBA resulted in highest rate of regeneratio n. ln vitro pla,tlets were transplanted in the green house for hardening and their survival was 100%.Te, RAPD primers were used to detect the ge,etic variation among four regenerated plants.Each primer ,-'nrluced a unique set of amplification products ranging in size ii.w, , .)2 bp to 1g01 bp. The number of bands for each primer varied from 15 to 1g. These l0 primers_*_ yielded 162 bands. of the L6z fragments scored, LZ2 were monomorphic and 40 were polymorphic (24-7oEo). The highest porymorph ismvo (35.297o) was obtained with primers opA07 and opAtg, while the lowest polymorphismvo (r7.65vc) was obrained by primer opD04. Glfiger rhi%mes were exposed to garrrma rays with.different doses: 5, 10, 15,20,25, and 30 Gy. Assessment of M2 generation plants showed significant differences of shoot length, roots length and number of leaves/plants. RAPD-pGR analysis of the M2generationusingfive primers yielded 58 bands; 15 were monomorphic and 43 were polymorphic (74.14vc)' The highest polymorphism+ " 'tq(7c\ was obtained with | ,.,, Wi r--primers OPD16, while the lowestpolymorph\sm%o(33.33Vo) wasobtained with Primer OPDl5'
Ain Shams