Hend Helmy Abd EI Ghatrar
Quality Of Ijfe In Tlpe 1 Diabetic Children: Relationship To Microvascular Complications And Insulin Treatrnent Satisf,Action
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1- Mic.ovasculat ComplicationsHeat ,Shock Ptotein 27.
Background, There is increased prevalenceof T1DM inchlldtenand adolescents with its adverse complications especially microvascular ones lretinopathy , nephtopathy and' neutopathy) that mr-S]t cause multiple r-rrgB.11 damage. ueaistroct protein 27 (HSP27 or HSPBI) appearctobe generally cytoprotective; its decrease may be a ptimary factot leading'to tlre development of dirabetes and its diverse chronic microvascular cornplications with widespread ot1an damage' Afun, to measure serum Heat shock protein 27 (sHSPZ7) level in a goup of type 1 diabetic children and adolescents and to investigate its iehttnship wlth diabetic microvascular complications. SUbjeCtS andmethOds, .1his case control study,was executed in the Diabetes clinic andtheoutpatient clinic, children's Hospital, Ain Shams L'niversity. Jtme 2013-June 2075, This study was carried out on 60 children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus, with age rarSe between (8-1S) years compur"d *Ith 60 apparcntly healthy children nratched as regards their age, sex and socioeconomic status' Serumheatshockprotein2T(sHSPZ7)estimationwasdonebyELISA technique. ReSUIIS, Serum HSP27 was statistically signif icantly lower in diabetic patienfs with complications (6'19+1'17) than d: !:ti: !:::nts without complications (8.72x1.95) and controls (72'29Q-'O8)'T1ne diabetic neuropathy was accompanied by most dectease in the level of HSP27 u*orrg diabetic patients with microvasatlar complications' conclusion, decrcased serum heat shock protein 27 (sHSPZ7), indicative of decreased defense mechanism in type 1 diabetes' this decrease was more profound in patients \Mith mrctovascltlat complications especially these who developed diabetic neutopathy'
Ain Shams
Institute of post graduate childhood studies